Cyclical Living
Organize your life by your 4 monthly phases, the seasons, the moon phases, your circadian rhythm, to heal negative period symptoms, be more organized, & get healthier.
We all want organization.
Whether you are tired of suffering negative period symptoms (cramps, PMS, etc), just curious about the moon, or full-blown wanting to connect more spiritually, cyclical living is a fantastic way to live as the Universe intended - in cycles.
Advance your connection to spirituality, nature, & yourself.
My periods used to seem like they ruined my life. I suffered from extreme cramping and intense mood swings each month. Did you know that our Luteal phase is where PMS most commonly happens? The Luteal phase alone is 12 days long, meaning that if we potentially PMS for 12 days and there are about 28-31 days in each month, then we are PMS-ing half the time!
Not only does cyclical living help end this issue and heal all negative & painful symptoms of periods (by balancing hormone levels), but it also gets you super in tune with the moon phases, Astrology, and the seasons.
Living by the moon can help us know how we and others might be feeling throughout the month. It will also help us determine what would be best to be doing personally & professionally in a way that reduces overwhelm & burnout and increases inner peace and a more organized life.
Ongoing Astrology can also help you know about what cycles, patterns, and themes might be at play in the cosmos that are always affecting you and everyone around you.
So in summary, Cyclical Living can help heal negative period symptoms, get you more organized personally & professionally, and tune into how you and others will be feeling in real-time. It also advances your spiritual connection and helps us feel more inner peace.
Not sure where to start? Start with my free E-Guide
A brief overview of cyclical living plus numerous resources to get started on living cyclically for better health and a better life!

“Humans are the only species that does not live in accordance to nature. Cyclical Living is a way to get back in tune with the cycles constantly in and around us.”
— Sydney Sage