Frequently Asked Questions

How much should a life coach cost?

Life coaching is an investment, not a cost. An investment is when you pay for something and you get loads of value in return that help improve yourself and your life forever. I invite you to reflect on how this could help you instead of focusing on the cost. Please note that coaching is not for those who are financially struggling. The average monthly fee range for coaching depends on the coach, their experience, and their credentials. The average monthly fees for coaching range from $300-$800/month and I fall within this range.

How is a life coach different from a therapist?

Therapists typically help with healing, trauma, the past, relationships, mental diagnosis, and family work. Coaches are trained to help you in the present, and future. Setting goals, creating insight and self-awareness, and holding safe space and accountability with action plans so the clients reach the goals that they set from the beginning. Coaching is more about moving you forward.

What is the International Coaching Federation?

The ICF is the only organization in the world that regulates the coaching industry and has been around since the 1980s. They train their coaches that the client has the answers and we are the professionals who partner with our clients and only ask questions for an insight-driven action approach.

Why hire a life coach?

Life coaches have a very clear, detached, objective view of yourself and your life. I can point out things you cannot see, I can help you hold yourself accountable to the goals and action plans that you set so that you can finally achieve your goals. Life coaching is perfect for you if you’re feeling good in life but you want more. Life coaching brings you clarity, insight, and breakthroughs, and is an amazing way to shift your mindset and break free from limiting beliefs. After we’re done, you learn how to coach yourself, have a growth mindset, and be able to figure out solutions to things, coaching helps you change for the better for the rest of your life.

Are any life coaches legit?

Yes! Coaches credentialed through the International Coaching Federation are professionally trained and credentialed at the highest level. We must enroll in training, get supervised hours (similar to therapists), pass tests, and rack up a certain amount of paid hours (also like therapists) before we take another longer test and receive our credentials. We also must renew our credentials every two years and take Continuing Education Unites (another similarity to therapists). With all of this taken into account, you can trust that an International Coaching Federation credentialed professional is a legitimate coach to support you.

What should I look for when hiring a life coach?

An International Coaching Federation education is a must for me, personally. I also use my intuition to see how their content, photos, and language feel to me. If you can relate to them, if the sample session just feels good and not pushy, if you feel genuinely excited - some fear may show up too - then you’ve chosen the right one! Take your time with your decision. The right life coach will want you to make the right choice for you. I always offer the first sample session free if this interests you.

What is the difference between a life coach, consultant, teacher, and mentor?

Coaching is a collaborative partnership to help you shift your mindset and reach your goals through asking questions and reflecting back what we hear. Teaching is helping clients to gain knowledge. Consulting is a specialist who provides advice. Mentoring is someone with a lot of experience who is giving someone with less experience some guidance.

Can I work with a life coach and a therapist at the same time?

Yes, absolutely. Working with both at the same time can be very healing and progressive. I’ve worked with both at the same time in the past and enjoyed working on healing the past & trauma while working on my goals and creating my desired future.

Is it worth hiring a life coach?

It is worth hiring the right life coach for you. Choosing one that is legitimately, professionally certified can make all the difference when it comes to your experience. Hiring a life coach is always a leap of faith and can bring about some fear, but making that leap brings so much self-trust and personal growth in of itself. I offer the first session free so that you can see what the actual session feels like. Most of my clients get life-changing results in our work together, this might be a much better decision than you could ever imagine as neither of us can predict what we will achieve and overcome together.

What does a life coach do exactly?

Simply put, they are a professional who asks powerful, open-ended questions in order to provide breakthroughs. They help keep you accountable for your long-term and short-term goals. They help you with clarity, seeing the bigger picture, and get emotional support.

How to get a life coach?

You can find coaches in various ways. You can try googling for one in your area, you can find some on Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, or even on Pinterest or from blogs. Ultimately there are coaches everywhere and the trick is to sort and sift through them and see who stands out to you. You will feel it when it’s right.

What are the different types of life coaches?

There are many types of coaches, from career coaches, business coaches, executive coaches, health coaches, and life coaches are the main ones. As a general life coach, I can help you with all major life areas, such as mindset, self-love, healthy habits, spirituality, relationships, career, and more.

What if I have a question that is not on here?

You are more than welcome to apply for a free sample coaching session using the buttons on this website. I am excited to speak with you!

What do you do as a life coach?

I partner with you to help you maximize your personal and professional through reflection, inquiry, question-asking, unique & in-depth goal-setting, accountability, and action plans. I help you reach your goals be they personal, professional, or both in a fun, supportive, thought-provoking, and collaborative way.

What all comes with your life coaching?

I work with clients for 6 months at a time weekly via video sessions. Some clients see great results and graduate at that time and others continue because they simply love it. With this comes in-between session texting support, free access to all of my E-Guides, and specific resource recommendations depending on what you are working on.

What can you help me with?

There are unlimited ways that I can help you since ICF-accredited coaching is mostly asking questions about the person and I don’t have to know about the subject matter. But my specialties reside in personal growth - things such as confidence, self-trust, decision-making, communication, organization, motivation, self-love, self-care, relationships, and putting yourself first. I also specialize in work/life balance, career, spirituality, mindset, women’s reproductive health, and business coaching & consulting.

How much does a life coach cost?

The cost of life coaches will vary depending on the level of training and years of experience, and I’d much rather this decisions be based on if it feels right and exciting for you vs how much it costs. As a life coach, I genuinely care about people who desire a change, I have a few different payment options that can help with the overall cost of the coaching so that we can make it work for you. Book a consultation call with me here to chat more about that.

Am I locked into a contract?

Absolutely not. Although clients work with me for 6 months or longer and there is a contract, you are welcome to end sessions at any time for any reason with 30 days’ notice. Although this rarely ever happens, this is in place so that you don’t feel forced into staying with me as your life coach.

What if this doesn’t work for me or help me get the results that I want?

Know that if you are feeling stuck or things are getting hard, that is something we can focus on in a session to help you move through. Self-trust really comes up when it comes to hiring a life coach. Of course, the results are dependent upon the clients and not the coach, I can say that people who go into this intentionally that are ready for positive change who have an openness and willingness to trust usually get the results they desire.

What sets you apart from other life coaches?

I received high-level training that is ICF-accredited back in 2021. The International Coaching Federation is the only global organization that professionally trains and credentials life coaches. You can trust that I have legit, professional training under my belt, whereas most life coaches are not ICF-accredited or sometimes certified at all. I also prescribe specific & intentional resources depending on what you are working on and I have extensive knowledge of Cyclical Living for women, sober living, career, spirituality, psychology, holistic healing, growing up in poverty, traveling, and natural living.

Are the results guaranteed?

Just like therapy, results in life coaching are not able to be guaranteed, as what coaching clients and therapy clients do in between sessions will ultimately dictate whether or not a client gets their desired results. But I can say what I have noticed being a life coach for the past 3 years is that when clients are open, intentional, and ready for change they typically see positive shifts in their lives.

Is life coaching legit?

I love this question. Yes, professionally trained and certified life coaching is legit. Coaches trained through the International Coaching Federation are the highest-trained coaches in the world, as they have undergone thorough training and credentialing in order to obtain their certification. Their methods center around asking questions vs telling others what to do, since our own solutions tend to fit us better and we are more likely to follow through with them.

I struggle with commitment, follow-through, and sticking with things - can life coaching help me with this?

If you are willing to have your beliefs, perceptions, and unwanted patterns challenged and shifted then I’d say there is a good chance that you will see positive results in your life with life coaching and this is something we can help you move through if that’s important for you.