Life Coaching for Teens
More confidence. Career clarity. Harmonious & healthy relationships.
What goes on developmentally in the teenage years
Teens are in such a special time in their lives. Their brains are pruning neurons, meaning their brains are specializing and crystalizing things they are learning and doing to prepare for adulthood. This is why it’s so critical teens actively explore their passions during this life stage. Whatever hobbies and interests they partake in, they will get so much better at if they continue into adulthood.
This is a time for exploration. In this phase of life they are exploring who they are, what kind of relationships (romantic and friendship) they want to have, what they want to do for work when they grow up, how they want to be healthy/take care of themselves, and so much more. Whatever they do in this phase is extremely important as it sets them up for emerging into adulthood.
The way your teen lives now is a reflection of how they might live as adults. Life coaching for teens can help set them up for success in life, in relationships, work/school, confidence, and self-esteem.
Teens care about one thing: finding their sense of identity. They are trying to figure out who they are in this world and what they are here to do. The stronger sense of identity they have, the higher levels of confidence and self-esteem they will feel. The better they take care of themselves health-wise, the more energy they will have and the more they can get their fatigue levels down.
You know your teen has so much untapped potential
A lot of the parents I talk to as a life coach for teens tell me that they just want what’s best for their kid. They want their teen to love themselves, to foster a growth mindset, to choose better friends, and to do well in school. They want their teen to find their passions, build healthy life skills, and to just be happy. Life coaching for teens is an excellent way to help your teen with all of these goals. Coaching is all about getting your teen where they want to be, in whatever life areas they want to improve upon.
Maybe your teen could be getting better grades. Maybe your teen could find things they’re excited about doing instead of sitting on their phones all the time. Maybe your teen could use more motivation and inspiration in their life. Either way, just having an outside, objective adult in their life they can talk to is so healing and supportive for them.
Some label the teen years as “storm and stress.” But it doesn’t have to be
In my work coaching teens, I notice themes. When teens sit around on their phones all the time, or they don’t partake in fun hobbies or sports, they are not stoked about life. If they don’t have healthy friendships or aren’t doing the best in school, they are stressed beyond what’s normal for them.
When teens have passions and hobbies they are engaging in, when they have healthy friendships, when they gain clarity on what they’d love to do for work when they grow up, and when they are taking good care of themselves health-wise, they are so much happier. Teens love having a sense of clarity and direction. They love becoming more aware of who they are. They are on a journey of finding and creating their identity. How they talk to themselves in this phase of life is huge.
How can life coaching for teens benefit my kid?
Life coaching for teens can help your teen boost productivity, get healthier, find their passions, figure out what they want to do when they grow up, and have healthy relationships with others. Life coaching for teens is great for teens who want to grow but they don’t necessarily need therapy. Perhaps they have had therapy before or are in therapy now, but more of what they want help with is the present and future stuff. This is where I can come in.
What’s the difference between therapy for teens and life coaching for teens?
Therapy is more about getting out of pain. Coaching is more about helping them create their desired present and future. In my work with teens, we are helping them set and reach goals around grades, health, confidence, and relationships. This is a motivating and inspiring space for them to get support and take action. Therapy is more about emotional regulation, coaching is more about setting and reaching goals. Both are very healing and supportive.
What you can expect when hiring a life coach for teens
Every teen and parent is different, each with different struggles and goals.
But here are some sample results your teen may see in working with me as their life coach:
Finding their passions
Gaining clarity on their future career
Improving confidence and self-esteem
Getting better grades
Getting healthier
Having more energy
Feeling more motivated
Having better relationships with friends, romantic partners, siblings, and parents
Having a more positive and resilient mindset
How to know if your teen is reading for life coaching:
As long as your teen is open-minded, willing to be vulnerable, and has a growth mindset (they believe there are solutions to things), they have specific goals and things they want to work on, then they are in a perfect spot for coaching.
If your teen is not open-minded, they don’t like opening up to others, are they do not have anything they want to work on, coaching might not be best for them at this time.
You are welcome to book a coaching chat with me and have your teen present and we can see if coaching is the right next step for them.
Ready for a more motivated and happy teen? Book a coaching chat with me today and bring them to our call!

“Teens have such a special opportunity. An opportunity to discover their purpose, to create their identity, to decide what’s important for them and craft their lives around those values.”
— Sydney Sage