Health Coaching
More energy. More confidence. More consistency.
Health Coaching: the path to more energy, more confidence, more consistently.
Is it challenging to stay consistent with healthy habits?
Perhaps you’re not even sure what constitutes a healthy, balanced meal.
Maybe there’s some confusion because you hear all sorts of things on the internet about what workouts are the best to do to stay healthy and live longer.
You might have put on some weight, or maybe you’re just feeling not as toned or energized as you want to be.
Sometimes meal-planning and grocery shopping can be stressful and you wish you could have a customizable guide to follow to help you get into the best shape that you can.
I know what it feels like when you look into the mirror and you do not love what you see.
I know what it feels like to feel frustrated and confused when it comes to meals, workouts, and grocery shopping.
I used to be there too, which is why I can help you.
The health & wellness industry can be confusing AF
You are not alone. The majority of my health coaching clients struggle with these same exact things too.
Sometimes we know what workouts we need to do to stay fit, but we are not doing it. Sometimes we don’t know what workouts to do to stay fit and we need some guidance.
Sometimes we know how to eat healthy but we are not doing it. Sometimes we don’t know how to eat healthily and we need some guidance.
Maybe we do know what practices help us be more present, mindful, have a positive mindset, and feel fulfilled & nourished. And maybe other times we aren’t sure what practices would be best for us.
Wherever you’re at in your health and wellness journey, I got you.
The cost of not being as healthy as we could be:
I know that making a change can feel scary. It can also bring up some fears and self-beliefs. But let’s think for a moment what this can cost us.
Not being as healthy as we can be can cost us time. We won’t live as long if we are not healthy, and being healthy only matters more as we age. A lack of strength really brings us down as we get older and contributes to many diseases and ailments that are not necessary.
Researchers have found that most ailments and diseases later in life are actually lifestyle-caused, not caused by old age alone.
I know you want to feel better. I know you want to wake up in the mornings with actual energy and excitement.
I know you want to be able to hike up mountains, run trails again, or maybe just even keep up with your active kids/lover/friends/family.
You want to have more energy so you can do more stuff, and live your life more fully.
You want to have more confidence in yourself with that strong, toned body you want to have so you can walk through this world with more ease.
I know you want to feel sexy in your clothes and even in your own skin. You want to look into that mirror each day and think “Damn, I look and feel so good!”
In our work together, I want you to be able to say that you got into (and stayed in) the best shape of your life.
Because health coaching is not just about how you look
It’s about feeling good. It’s about loving yourself. It’s about loving your body.
It’s about feeling confident. It’s about having the energy and strength to do whatever the heck you want to do! Day in and day out.
It’s also about becoming the person you want to be; confident, strong, toned, healthy, energetic, committed, disciplined, nourished, present, peaceful, accomplished, excited, proud.
Health coaching helps us cultivate more self-care. More presence. More positivity. More feeling good.
As you can see, health coaching goes way beyond just getting healthy. It’s about a journey towards total wellness, happiness, and an abundance of energy.
Being healthier is going to improve your relationship with yourself, it’s going to improve your relationship with your kids/friends/partner/family.
It’s going to give you more time and energy back to do things that you love, and it’s going to give your body more ability to do whatever physical things you want to do.
Health coaching can also help you improve your relationship with food and exercise:
Do you relate to eating healthy food as being complicated? Do you relate to working out as hard? No more, we will rewire these beliefs together so that these things are easier for you.
Whether you love to hike, run, camp, travel the globe, paint, read, write, cook, decorate, play with your kids, white water raft, play sports, engage in any other hobbies, health coaching is going to free up more energy for you to give to yourself, your loved ones, and your passions.
Expectations for health coaching:
We will first start out by mapping out your top 1-3 health coaching goals and then we will co-create strategies together to get you to those goals over the course of 6-12 months.
In our health coaching sessions, we will discuss any topics that you find helpful, and in between our sessions, we will plan out action plans together to do in between our sessions.
We will meet virtually every week for 6-12 months and you are welcome to text me in between the sessions.
Whether you are having a rough day and want support, or you want to celebrate a win, send me a photo of something, or ask a question, I am here to support you.
I will also be sharing extremely valuable resources with you in our health coaching work together.
These might be books, podcasts, YouTube videos, e-guides, articles, practices, people, practitioners, or places that I think would be helpful to you.
Now you might be thinking…
I’ve tried everything. How do I know that this health coaching thing is gonna work for me?
I want to lovingly challenge that belief. I think that if you truly believed that you have tried everything, you might not be here on this page debating hiring me as your health coach…
I know it can feel frustrating to think there are no solutions to your problem, but I can assure you, that there is still information and support out there that you have not tried. And you wouldn’t know if there was! Because we don’t know what we don’t know.
Our health coaching is going to be a combination of me sharing valuable information with you on how to get healthier that works for every person. But it will also consist of us discussing what is uniquely in the way for you.
Our beliefs, values, lifestyle, relationships, and mindset all play a huge role in our health journey, which is why my coaching is customizable and adjusts for each person.
There are universal things that work to get anyone healthier, but there are also things unique to you and your life that we need to explore together to help you get healthier.
If you’re worried that you don’t have time for this
I think in fact, that you don’t have time not to do this. Let me explain…
When we are stressed out due to being overly busy, our nervous system is in a Fight or Flight state which releases adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormone) into our bodies day in and day out.
When these are released too often, it ages us. It also signals our bodies to store fat. So in summary…
We can’t lose weight if we are chronically stressed out. And stress is a huge killer. It reduces our lifespan and also just makes life not very fun.
I think we don’t have time to not do health coaching. Health coaching can help you get years of your life back. If you are feeling stressed due to being too busy, this is also something that I can help you with.
If you are struggling with work/life/mom balance, check out my Work/Life Balance Coaching page to learn more. Oftentimes my clients who are working on work/life balance are working on health goals too.
If you’re worried your partner might not support you doing health coaching
That is understandable, as not many people know that the coaching industry is professionally credentialed and regulated through the International Coaching Federation; from I am professionally credentialed at the 2nd out of 3 levels (PCC).
The ICF methodology is psychologically-backed, and evidence-backed, based on the founding fathers of psychology. It also has a bit of overlap with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Most large corporations in the world that hire coaches (Amazon, Google, Nike, etc) require an ICF credential at the 2nd (PCC) or 3rd level (MCC) to be executive coaches for their staff.
If your partner has any questions about me or my work, I can have a conversation with them to answer any questions they have or soothe any fears they feel.
After this conversation (if it is necessary) partners, so far, have always come around and supported the decision to invest in health coaching.
If you’re worried that you can’t afford to do health coaching
Please know that coaching is not for those who are financially struggling, as another fee will bring more stress which is the opposite of what we want to do for you.
If adding another monthly fee is a bit of a stretch, that is good, if it causes serious anxiety, let’s hold off until finances are in a better spot.
If this is something you really want, maybe comb through your monthly bills and see where you can cut back.
Health coaching can be completely life-changing and is well worth the money.
I keep my pricing for health coaching affordable and I have a monthly fee range to make these services work for almost anyone. Book a sample coaching session with me to learn more about my life coaching fees.
The types of results you might see with health coaching:
My health coaching clients typically report:
Feeling more energized
Boosting confidence
Dialing in healthy habits consistently
Losing weight
Feeling more excited about life
Creating a healthy daily routine
Sleeping better
Knowing which workouts to do
Knowing how to plan out healthy and delicious meals
Loving themselves more
Health coaching is all about helping you dial in those healthy habits so you can have more energy, be more confident, and love yourself so much more.
You becoming healthier, happier, consistent, and more energized you trickles into every other area of your life; work, relationships, family, all of it.
If you don’t believe in yourself (or me) to get you the health coaching results that you want
I get that. And at the end of the day, of course, I can’t force you to do things differently. But I can say is this:
If you are ready to take action, open to being vulnerable, and willing to have your beliefs explored/challenged, then you are in the perfect place to start health coaching and you will likely see some amazing results.
People who are open-minded and ready to do the work usually get exactly what they want out of our work together, and even much more out of it than they ever expected to.
If you’re worried because you struggle with following through already
If you are open and willing to explore and change that pattern, then yes, health coaching can work for you.
And I’d be curious to learn more about what is the source of the lack of follow-through. What is causing you now to not follow through?
We can find that challenge together and work to dissolve it. Because following through consistently makes or breaks many areas of life; health, relationships, work, etc. That is something that I can help you with.
As my job as your health coach, I help you remove what’s in the way so you can get what you want.
We will also course-correct along the way and adjust as we go as needed.
If you’re worried I’m gonna make you do some crazy stuff that you don’t want to do
Health coaching is a partnership; it’s a customizable journey.
Like I shared above, there are some universal things that are going to work for everyone that I might suggest, but a lot of this is going to be custom-tailored to you and your lifestyle.
Health coaching is meant to be a supporitve, exciting, motivating, and inspiring journey.
If you have a question, fear, or hesitation that is not listed here or you want to explore a fear deeper:
You are welcome to contact me for a free sample coaching session and ask me any questions that you have
That way you can make an aligned and well-informed decision on if health coaching is the right next step for you.
Ready for more energy and confidence?
Book a sample session to get started today!
Healthy eating. Consistent movement. Mindfulness practices. It’s all possible and easier with a health coach by your side.
Tips, tricks, resources, and more on the Health Coaching Blog

“A lot of times we do know what we need to do for our health, we’re just not doing it. Health coaching can help you know what to do to be healthier and do it consistently.”
— Sydney Sage