Work/Life Balance Coaching
More peace. More balance. More time for you.
Does this resonate?
You’re super busy, and you’re overwhelmed. You barely have enough time for yourself and you’re putting everyone else first and yourself last.
Perhaps you’re running around from thing to thing, constantly on the go.
Maybe your health is slipping, or perhaps stress/overwhelm is eating away at you. All you want to do is rest and sleep, and maybe fit in some self-care or alone time but there’s so much stuff to do.
Maybe you’re overcommitting/overbooking yourself with work, friends, family, favors, events, kids stuff, etc and at the moment you say yes to it all but later you’re kicking yourself.
You know there must be a better way than running around stressed out constantly.
You want to feel more at peace, you want to have more time for yourself, and you want to live a more balanced life.
This is where I come in.
And I get it, because trust me, I’ve been there too. A lot of us have.
I used to feel very overwhelmed, unorganized, and stretched to the max with stuff to do, places to go, and people to see.
I want you to know there are so many others who also struggle with this. The majority of my coaching clients over the years have one big stress point in their lives:
Between work, friends, healthy habits, self-care practices, kids, romantic partners, and traveling, it can be a lot to juggle. I know that likely all you want is to feel more peace, balance, self-care, and time for you.
I promise you there is a better way:
Work/life balance coaching
How work/life balance coaching can help:
In our coaching together we can help strategize ways for you to get back more time, set better boundaries, say no more often to things not aligned for you, help you dial in consistent self-care/healthy habits, reduce people pleasing, improve your relationships, put yourself first (so you can have more energy for yourself, loved ones, and work), and any other things that will be helpful for you in achieving better work/life balance.
What you can expect with work/life balance coaching:
We will first start out by mapping out your top 1-3 goals and then we will co-create strategies together to get you to those goals.
In our work/life balance coaching sessions, we will discuss any topics that you find helpful, and in between our sessions, you will decide what action steps you’d like to take to get you to your work/life balance goals.
We will meet virtually every other week or every week depending on your preference and what level of support you’d like.
You are welcome to text me in between the sessions.
Whether you are having a rough day and want support, or you want to celebrate a win, send me a photo of something, or ask a question, I am here to support you.
I will also be sharing extremely valuable information and resources with you depending on your challenges and goals.
These might be books, podcasts, YouTube videos, e-guides, articles, practices, people, practitioners, or places that I think would be really helpful to you.
I am a very caring, empathetic, and emotionally supportive coach; if you are having a breakdown of any kind and need someone to talk to immediately, I am here for you.
If you are in crisis I have referrals for professionals who can step in to support you as well.
The types of results you might see in our work/life balance coaching:
My work/life balance coaching clients typically report:
Feeling less overwhelmed/stressed
Feeling more at peace
Getting back more time
Putting themselves first
Setting better boundaries
Fitting in more self-care
Getting more organized
Feeling more motivated
Boosting their confidence
De-cluttering mentally and physically
Getting healthier
Work/life balance coaching is all about helping you have time and energy for your work, your family, your friends, your hobbies, your health, your self-care, your alone time, your travels, and whatever else you want to have time and energy for.
Work/life balance coaching is about helping you have more time for the things and people that you love the most.
Life is meant to be lived! Not just a series of to-do lists and then you die.
You’re stressed, so you’re wondering how to know if you need therapy or work/life balance coaching
This is a great question and I’m so glad you asked.
So therapy would be a good fit for you if you’re so stressed out it is negatively impairing your daily functioning. So what does that mean?
That means if you are so stressed out that it is ruining your relationships or you are not performing very well at work or you are having panic attacks, therapy would be more of a space for you.
If you are struggling severely emotionally with anxiety (or depression), or feeling like you are too stressed out to even think about the future or goals, these are all green flags to enroll in therapy.
Now, a lot of my work/life balance coaching clients are really stressed out, and that is normal.
But if you feel the stress is way too extreme and you have absolutely no clue how to fix any of it, that is another sign therapy would be helpful.
Work/life balance coaching works really well for people who have some semblence of what they should be doing differently but they need support in:
Removing obstacles in the way, gaining more clarity, having helpgul perspective/mindseet shifts, and having that added accountability to really move you forward.
Work/life balance coaching is really about closing the gap between where you are now (overwhelmed) and where you want to be (peaceful and organized).
If you’re wondering if you can see a therapist and do work/life balance coaching at the same time
Yes! Absolutely you can. I have had a coach and a therapist at the same time and totally loved it!
It felt like I was healing the past childhood and family wounds while also working with my coach to create my desired future.
It was support in both directions; backward and forward.
That being said, if you are too stressed out (or sad) to focus on the future, goals, and taking action, then I’d start with therapy - but please come back when you’re in a better headspace so I can support you.
When I was seeing my therapist and my coach at the same time, I was in a place where I was ready to do the work, take action, and make progress; both with healing my past and reaching my goals/desired future.
You can totally have both and it feels very supportive and healing to have both.
Sometimes I’d even bring some of the same topics to my life coach and my therapist to get both of their perspectives on it and it was really valuable for me to do so.
If you’re thinking to yourself “I don’t have time to do more stuff”
And I hear you.
Although with my work/life balance coaching clients, our main mission is typically to reduce overwhelm and free up more time, so if that is a goal of yours right now, that is where we can place our focus.
Helping you do less and have more time, not just add more stuff to your already over-full plate.
Coaching, similar to therapy, is client-led. Meaning you lead the way, and I guide you. If you want to move at a slow pace or a fast pace, I leave this up to you.
Some of my clients are committing to multiple action steps between each session, and some are committing to just one action step between each session.
It all depends on you.
If you are short on time and you don’t want to be, we can also work on helping you get more of your time back.
Work/life balance coaching is never supposed to add more stress or more stuff to do to your life, but to help you have more of that balance, peace, and time for you that you are craving.
If you’re worried your partner might not support you doing work/life balance coaching
That is understandable, as not many people know that the coaching industry is professionally credentialed and regulated through the International Coaching Federation; from which I am professionally credentialed at the 2nd out of 3 levels (PCC) with over 1,000 paid hours under my belt.
The ICF methodology is so effective, psychologically backed, and evidence-based. Most large corporations in the world that hire professional coaches (Amazon, Google, Nike, etc) require an ICF credential at the 2nd (PCC) or 3rd level (MCC).
If your partner has any questions about me or my work, I can have a conversation with them to answer any questions they have or soothe any fears they feel.
After this conversation (if it is necessary) partners, so far in my 4 years of coaching, have always come around and supported the decision to invest in work/life balance coaching.
If you’re worried that you can’t afford to do work/life balance coaching
Please know that coaching is not for those who are financially struggling, as another fee might bring more stress - which is the opposite of what we want to do for you.
If adding another monthly fee is a bit of a stretch, that is good, but if it causes serious anxiety, let’s hold off until finances are in a better spot; you can always come back later!
If this is something you really want to do, maybe comb through your monthly bills and see where you can cut back. Work/life balance coaching can be completely life-changing and is well worth the money.
I keep my pricing for work/life balance coaching affordable and I have a monthly fee range to make these services work for almost anyone. Book a sample coaching session with me to learn more about my life coaching fees.
If you’re wondering if work/life balance coaching can really work for you:
Yes, if you are ready to take action, open to being vulnerable, and willing to have your beliefs explored and opened up, then you are in the perfect place to start coaching and you will likely see amazing results.
People who are open-minded and ready to do the work usually get exactly what they want out of our work together, and even much more out of it than they expected to get.
What if I am not great at following through, will work/life balance coaching still work for me?
If you are open and willing to explore and change that pattern, then yes, work/life balance coaching can work for you.
As my job as your work/life balance coach, I help you remove what’s in the way so you can get what you want.
We will also course-correct along the way and adjust as we go as needed.
If you don’t believe you’ll be able to get the work/life balance results that you want
I want you to know this is a very valid and common concern. Some of my clients are moms, business owners, wives, CEOs, multiple business owners, travelers, and sometimes all of it. We women are badass in that we can wear so many hats but we oftentimes overdo it and overextend ourselves in our caretaking roles.
Sometimes it’s not the belief that is bad itself, but the fact that we truly believe our beliefs to be true. Coaching is a very valuable, collaborative partnership where we come together to create a plan to get you where you want to be, remove any obstacles in the way, and shift any limiting beliefs holding you back. Most of my work/life balance coaching clients get the results they want, and even so much more out of it than they thought they would.
If you have a question, fear, or hesitation that is not listed here:
You are welcome to contact me for a free sample coaching session and ask me any questions that you have, that way you can make an aligned and well-informed decision on if coaching is the right next step for you.
Ready to start your journey towards more peace, balance, and self-care?
Take the next step and book a sample session today.

“All the success, money, and freedom in the world aren’t worth it if we have no time and are too overwhelmed to enjoy it all. We deserve time for ourselves too, and when we get that time and level of inner peace, it leaks positively into every area of our lives.”
— Sydney Sage