Life Coaching
Motivation. Productivity. Mindset shifts. Confidence.
Life Coaching: clarity, direction, motivation.
Maybe you have some goals in your life that you’d like help achieving. Perhaps you are not showing up as your best self and you want to grow.
You may have done therapy and done loads of healing and now you want support with creating your future.
Life coaching is great if you are feeling stuck, lacking clarity, or just want high-level accountability to finally reach your goals.
Life coaching is a very fun, inspiring, and motivating space to be in. It’s not as heavy as therapy can be as we are only talking about your biggest dreams and visions and working weekly to make those come to life.
Usually people get so much more than they ever expected out of life coaching, because it’s a space to get support in reaching your goals but also anything else that comes up in your life.
When you know what you need to do, but you just aren’t doing it
You are not alone. One of the most common phrases I hear in my coaching practice is “I know what to do, I’m just not doing it.”
And it’s understandable! We are not taught Accountability 101 in school. Nor are we taught Mindset 101, Motivation 101, Goal Setting 101, or Follow Through 101!
If we had been taught these things and if we were supposed to know these things, then the life coaching profession would not exist.
These are skills that I can help you build, that way when our life coaching work together is done, you will be able to more easily reach your goals and keep showing up as the best version of yourself.
What do you want more in your life? Life coaching can help you get there
Maybe you know that you want to eat healthier and work out more consistently.
Perhaps you’re aware that you want to improve your relationship with money.
Perhaps you feel it’s time for a career change but you want help in making the leap.
Sometimes we just want to be more present with our loved ones.
Maybe you want to deepen your spiritual connection and learn more about what spirituality looks like to you.
Perhaps you’re overwhelmed and struggling to balance life, work, and maybe parenting too.
These are all things that I can help you with.
When we are in alignment with who we are and what we want, we are loads happier
When we aren’t living in alignment with who we are and what we want, it can be frustrating, overwhelming, and painful.
When we are living against our deepest values and things most important to us, we know it’s time to make a change. Life coaching can help you with this.
When I see my life coaching clients improving their relationships, doing work they love, getting healthier, and putting themselves first, their entire life changes for the better.
What life coaching will look like:
We start out by mapping out your top 1-3 life coaching goals and then we will co-create strategies together to get you to those goals over the course of 6-12 months.
In our life coaching sessions, we will discuss any topics that you find helpful, and in between our sessions, we will plan out action plans.
We will meet virtually every week for 6-12 months and you are welcome to text me in between the sessions.
Whether you are having a rough day and want support, or you want to celebrate a win, send me a photo of something, or ask a question, I am here to support you.
I will also be sharing extremely valuable resources with you in our life coaching work together.
These might be books, podcasts, YouTube videos, e-guides, articles, practices, people, practitioners, or places that I think would be helpful to you.
Now you might be thinking…
I have never done life coaching and I’m worried I won’t reach my goals
I hear you on this, and what I can say is that if you are open-minded, willing to be vulnerable with me, and are feeling ready to start taking action towards your goals, you will likely get so much out of this than you ever expected to.
A lot of coaching clients I work with have never had a life coach before and it can bring up a lot of fear to start something totally new.
I wish I could share with you a future vision of you and your life 6-12 months from now and show you just how good your life could get with life coaching! Because I see these transformations all the time.
I can also share that just by you taking this leap of faith is going to help you grow so much.
When I hired my first life coach in 2020 my confidence and self-trust improved. And I got so much out of our time together than I ever thought that I would.
It would feel so good to get wins and see progress in my life and the first thing I would do is text her and we would celebrate about it!
If you feel like this could really help you, start with a free sample coaching session to see if my life coaching feels right for you.
I will answer any questions you have and we can also explore your hesitations and see if we can find some good solutions and alternative perspectives around them.
If you’re worried that you don’t have time for this
If time is an issue for you, I am betting that you are stressed out. Time is the only equal thing in existence; we all have the same amount of time, it’s more about what we are filling our time with that matters.
If you are feeling strapped for time, that is something that I can help you with. It does not feel good to be so short on time that you doubt you will have 1 hour per week to spend on YOU.
You deserve to carve out time each week for yourself.
You can either stay short on time, or you can carve out some time to make yourself and your life feel so much better. When we frame it like that, is it really even a question?! Your goals are waiting for you :)
Many of my work/life balance coaching clients report getting back more time for themselves and feeling more at peace. Time is a precious, finite resource that we should never feel short on!
If you’re worried your partner might not support you doing life coaching
That is understandable, as not many people know that the coaching industry is professionally credentialed and regulated through the International Coaching Federation; from I am professionally credentialed at the 2nd out of 3 levels (PCC).
The ICF methodology is psychologically-backed, and evidence-backed, based on the founding fathers of psychology.
Most large corporations in the world that hire coaches (Amazon, Google, Nike, etc) require an ICF credential at the 2nd (PCC) or 3rd level (MCC) to be executive coaches for their staff.
If your partner has any questions about me or my work, I can have a conversation with them to answer any questions they have or soothe any fears they feel.
After this conversation (if it is necessary) partners, so far, have always come around and supported the decision to invest in life coaching.
If you’re worried that you can’t afford to do life coaching
Please know that coaching is not for those who are financially struggling, as another fee will bring more stress which is the opposite of what we want to do for you.
If adding another monthly fee is a bit of a stretch, that is good as it will make you more invested in this work, but if it causes serious anxiety, let’s hold off until finances are in a better spot.
If this is something you really want, maybe comb through your monthly bills and see where you can cut back.
Life coaching is completely life-changing and is well worth the money. Usually, people get what they want out of life coaching and so much more than they ever expected.
I keep my pricing for career coaching affordable and I have a monthly fee range to make these services work for almost anyone. Book a sample coaching session with me to learn more about my life coaching fees.
The types of results you might see with life coaching:
My life coaching clients typically report:
More confidence
Clarity and direction in their life and career
Feeling more motivated
Working out more and eating healthier
Improving their relationships
Being more present
Feeling happier
Better work/life balance
Improving their finances
Life coaching is all about helping you maximize your potential personally and professionally, surprisingly yourself with what you are capable of.
If you don’t believe in yourself (or me) to get you the life coaching results that you want
I get that. And at the end of the day, of course I can’t force you to do things differently. But I can say is this:
If you are ready to take action, open to being vulnerable, and willing to have your beliefs explored/challenged, then you are in the perfect place to start life coaching and you will likely see some amazing results.
People who are open-minded and ready to do the work usually get exactly what they want out of our work together, and even much more out of it than they ever expected to.
If you’re worried I’m gonna make you do some crazy stuff that you don’t want to do
Life coaching is a partnership; it’s a customizable journey.
Like I shared above, there are some universal things that are going to work for everyone that I might suggest, but a lot of this is going to be custom-tailored to you and your lifestyle.
Life coaching is meant to be a supportive, exciting, motivating, and inspiring journey.
If you have a question, fear, or hesitation that is not listed here or you want to explore a fear deeper:
You are welcome to contact me for a free sample coaching session and ask me any questions that you hav
That way you can make an aligned and well-informed decision on whether life coaching is the right next step for you.
Ready to start your journey towards getting the life you want?
Take the next step and book a sample session today.

“We actually have the answers inside of us. We know exactly where we’re at, we know where we want to go, we know what could get us there - but we have to be asked the right questions instead of just being told what to do all the time.”
— Sydney Sage