Career Coaching
More fulfillment, more meaning, more purpose.
Career Coaching: fulfillment, meaning, purpose.
Are you doing work that you love?
If not, it might be time to make a change.
Most people don’t love their jobs, and we spend so much time at work, we deserve to do work that we truly love and look forward to going to.
I know from experience how hard it can be to figure out what you want to do for work or what your life’s purpose is.
I know how the career journey can feel daunting, frustrating, and hopeless at times.
“What if I never figure out what I want to do?”
Maybe this thought has crossed your mind. If so, you are in the right place.
Because work is not just about money and security
You are not alone. Many people I talk to don’t just want something to pay the bills or something that helps them feel safe. They want work that is fulfilling, rewarding, and meaningful.
If you are stuck and don’t know what you want to do for work, career coaching can help you do just that.
Whether you are 21 or 51, clients of all ages turn to career coaching to help them gain clarity and direction on their career. It’s never too late to make a career change.
Whether you don’t know what job you want to do, or if you maybe want to start your own business, career coaching can help you figure all of this stuff out.
Whether you’re not sure if you want to move to a different position in your company or a different company overall, career coaching can help you.
What’s possible on the other end of a job change? What’s possible on the other end of career coaching?
When we figure out what we want to do for work through career coaching, we feel relieved. We feel a sense of excitement. We feel hopeful. We feel inspired. We feel motivated.
We might even start to love our current job even more as we get a sense of a very exciting and compelling future ahead of us.
This can help us be happier, have a more positive mindset, improve our relationships, and help us be more present with our loved ones.
Because when we are lit up by our life and our career, that lit-up-ness spreads to all other life areas and other people in our life too.
Career clarity alone might not be enough
Even once we find that dream career, the journey may not be over. Career coaching can help you address and overcome other things that might come up along the way.
Things such as imposter syndrome, self-doubt, confidence, time management, boundary-setting, staying the course, and so much more.
Once people get career clarity they still need some support along the way to make it to their end goal.
Because we when grow personally and we know ourselves really well, we know what we want to do for work.
The closer we get to ourselves and the more we develop the relationship we have with ourselves, the easier the journey can be.
What career coaching will look like:
We will first start out by mapping out your top 1-3 career coaching goals and then we will co-create strategies together to get you to those goals over the course of 6-12 months.
In our health coaching sessions, we will discuss any topics that you find helpful, and in between our sessions, we will plan out action plans.
We will meet virtually every week for 6-12 months and you are welcome to text me in between the sessions.
Whether you are having a rough day and want support, or you want to celebrate a win, send me a photo of something, or ask a question, I am here to support you.
I will also be sharing extremely valuable resources with you in our career coaching work together.
These might be books, podcasts, YouTube videos, e-guides, articles, practices, people, practitioners, or places that I think would be helpful to you.
Now you might be thinking…
I have no idea what I want to do for work and I’ve tried a lot of things, will this really help me?
I hear you on this, and yes, if you are open-minded and willing to keep trying, career coaching might just be the missing link to get you there.
There is a career, a dream, an ideal vision out there for everyone. Oftentimes it’s not about finding it out there, but more about going within and seeing what was there all along in order to figure out your dream career.
The only way this will not work is if you give up, and I know you are likely tired and frustrated of your current job.
Tired and frustrated with not knowing what you want to do for work and not loving this in-between state.
Start with a free sample coaching session to see how my career coaching feels for you.
If you’re worried that you don’t have time for this
Do you really have time to not do this? We only have about 50 working years in us if we are retiring at 65.
Stress ages us, as does loneliness. Stress and loneliness age us worse than smoking, not exercising, and many other unhealthy things.
Doing work we love will help us live longer and also will help us live more happy years in our life vs unhappy years.
I don’t think there is any more time to waste! Your dream career is out there waiting for you. Your desires are implanted in you from the universe/God itself, are you really gonna disrespect that?!
Let’s get going!
If you’re worried your partner might not support you doing career coaching
That is understandable, as not many people know that the coaching industry is professionally credentialed and regulated through the International Coaching Federation; from I am professionally credentialed at the 2nd out of 3 levels (PCC).
The ICF methodology is psychologically-backed, and evidence-backed, based on the founding fathers of psychology. It also has a bit of overlap with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Most large corporations in the world that hire coaches (Amazon, Google, Nike, etc) require an ICF credential at the 2nd (PCC) or 3rd level (MCC) to be executive coaches for their staff.
If your partner has any questions about me or my work, I can have a conversation with them to answer any questions they have or soothe any fears they feel.
After this conversation (if it is necessary) partners, so far, have always come around and supported the decision to invest in career coaching.
If you’re worried that you can’t afford to do career coaching
Please know that coaching is not for those who are financially struggling, as another fee will bring more stress which is the opposite of what we want to do for you.
If adding another monthly fee is a bit of a stretch, that is good as it will make you more invested in this work, but if it causes serious anxiety, let’s hold off until finances are in a better spot.
If this is something you really want, maybe comb through your monthly bills and see where you can cut back.
Career coaching can be completely life-changing and is well worth the money. Usually people get what they want out of the coaching and so much more than they ever expected.
I keep my pricing for career coaching affordable and I have a monthly fee range to make these services work for almost anyone. Book a sample coaching session with me to learn more about my life coaching fees.
The types of results you might see with career coaching:
My career coaching clients typically report:
More clarity and direction when it comes to their career
Boosting confidence
Feeling more motivated
Feeling more excited about life
Feeling happier
Getting hired for new jobs
Switching careers
Going back to school once they gain career clarity (and they are excited to do it)!
Career coaching is all about helping you gain clarity on what you would love to do for work and take steps to get into that work as soon as you want to.
You doing work you love through career coaching trickles into every other area of your life; work, relationships, family, all of it!
If you don’t believe in yourself (or me) to get you the health coaching results that you want
I get that. And at the end of the day, of course I can’t force you to do things differently. But I can say is this:
If you are ready to take action, open to being vulnerable, and willing to have your beliefs explored/challenged, then you are in the perfect place to start career coaching and you will likely see some amazing results.
People who are open-minded and ready to do the work usually get exactly what they want out of our work together, and even much more out of it than they ever expected to.
If you’re worried I’m gonna make you do some crazy stuff that you don’t want to do
Career coaching is a partnership; it’s a customizable journey.
Like I shared above, there are some universal things that are going to work for everyone that I might suggest, but a lot of this is going to be custom-tailored to you and your lifestyle.
Career coaching is meant to be a supportive, exciting, motivating, and inspiring journey.
If you have a question, fear, or hesitation that is not listed here or you want to explore a fear deeper:
You are welcome to contact me for a free sample coaching session and ask me any questions that you have
That way you can make an aligned and well-informed decision on whether career coaching is the right next step for you.
Ready to start your journey towards more fulfillment, meaning, and purpose in your career?
Take the next step and book a sample session today.