the relationship with yourself sets the stage for all others

But how?

Well, first of all, through the Law of Attraction we know that from our thoughts and emotions manifest our external reality.

The universe is a giant hologram.

What is inside of our minds gets reflected outside into our lives.

People will also only meet you as deeply as you’ve met yourself. When we are more present, more healed, more in tune with ourselves, more self-aware, we can have deeper connections and relationships of all kinds.

If we can love ourselves, train ourselves to have better thoughts, and treat ourselves better we are more outwardly focused on the world and less in our heads. And from there it makes it easier to notice who else is more present, more on a healing journey.

If we can treat ourselves right, it’s easier for us to treat others right.

If we often judge + criticize ourselves we will be quicker to judge + criticize others. When we can accept and love ourselves we can do the same for others in easier ways. The deeper our universal connection and our spiritual practices are the easier it is to wrap others in an unseen and loving energy because you really see them and accept them more for who they are.

Within this one world are many worlds, and how healthy and happy our own personal world is, is going to affect many other people’s worlds since they can’t help but overlap.

Projection is another way that shows us that our inner relationship is so important.

If we are not happy we will project that onto our own physical reality. We will see life, see the world, see others through this tainted lens of unhappiness.

It’s another reason to practice healthy emotional processing and letting ourselves emote and fully feel our feelings so that they don’t get trapped + stuck inside of us.

So when we work on the relationship with ourselves, our inner voice, our emotional health, we will attract many great things, opportunities, and people into our lives!

I hope you loved this article.

Sydney Sage

Professional Certified Life Coach who helps individuals create better work/life balance, grow personally, and reduce overwhelm.

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