70 benefits of going vegan
vegan sausage & dairy-free gouda rolled in vegan biscuits brushed with olive oil, oregano, parsley and baked until just crispy
*feel free to embark on your own research for any of these points, I’ve listed sources and documentaries below*
YOU DON’T HAVE TO GIVE UP ANYTHING - not fitness, muscle mass, health, protein, delicious & mouth-watering meals, or decadent & sweet desserts; you can have it ALL with a vegan lifestyle!
Lowers blood pressure which also equates to….
Less stress!
This is extremely healthy - meat & dairy deplete calcium (think bone mass - I know, “milk builds strong bones”, but actually it does the opposite, the US has the highest rates of osteoporosis due to such a high dairy intake) clogs arteries, leads to autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, is cancer-causing, wreaks havoc on digestion, skin health, hormone health, and more - basically all body systems are negatively affected by dairy & meat
YOU NEVER HAVE TO DIET AGAIN! Just don’t eat mostly carbs, as that will lead to weight gain of course, keep to a balanced vegan diet with supplementation and you won’t really have to every worry about weight gain or loss, it’ll happen naturally with regular exercise too
Save money (“When you center your diet around grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and seasonal fruits and veggies, you might be cutting your monthly food expense in half. Many of these foods can be bought in bulk and stored for a long time” nutritiously.com)
Elimination of buildup in arteries
Effortless weight loss
Healthier skin
More energy
Ditch that “heavy” feeling after eating too much meat, dairy-filled foods, or desserts (no more stomach aches after mashed potatoes! Or macaroni and cheese! Or some sweet muffins! Or a hearty fettucini alfredo pasta!)
Eat food that is better for you and actually more delicious
Increased awareness and ability to play around with and add different flavors, spices, and herbs in the kitchen
A brand new excitement about trying new vegan restaurants while traveling
A new and insane love and appreciation for food and flavors
Independence of meats to add flavors to dishes but instead knowing how to make anything flavorful or hearty with your newfound, organically accumulated expertise
Naturally become a chef (I’m telling you, I SUCKED at cooking and baking before and would often get stressed about grocery shopping or what to even make, that NATURALLY goes away and you become so great at cooking or throwing things together)
More focus
More happiness & decrease in depression (there have been studies on this)
Easier digestion (if drinking plenty of water in between meals and getting a balanced diet with supplementation)
Easier weight management
Less negative energy (the energy of the animal at its time of killing and negative quality of lifespan in general stays within the animal products that are created which then is put into our bodies)
Nutrition awareness
Supplementation awareness
Inevitable increase in ability & joy to cook, bake, grocery shop and meal plan
Inevitable increase in desire to purchase & support sustainable and vegan companies
Increased love & compassion for beings beyond yourself
Increased love & compassion for beings that cannot speak
Increased love & compassion for animals that may not necessarily be seen as “cute” (even though they are when you look at them or actually spend time with them, when you see them as beings that deserve to live too)
Less grief, sadness, depression, pain, & agony for the animals (cows & pigs are actually extremely smart and very emotional. They bond deeply with each other and their children & tend to stay in families or groups. Cows will mourn and scream and cry when their babies are taken away so people can drink milk, they often fall into deep depression that can last for years)
Realization that farm animals are just as other animals - they want freedom, love, & family (many studies have been done on these animals and their intelligence levels as well as capacity for emotion)
Less depletion of world resources and increase in the amount of food available to poor countries (50% of grains world-wide are being eaten by animals while 82% of children living next to livestock are starving then the animal products are being shipped to the 1st world to eat)
Lower blood sugar
Lower risk of stroke
Lower risk of & reversal of obesity
Increase in kidney function
More fiber, antioxidants (which fight cancer by killing free radicals in the body), plant compounds, potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamins A, C, E
Reduce pain & inflammation
Lower risk of cancer
Can help heal & reverse cancer (cancer is mostly caused by an acidic diet which changes the pH of our bodies; it is meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, alcohol vs an alkaline diet keeps the body's pH in balance; it is fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables)
Lower risk of diabetes
Can help heal & reverse diabetes
Lower risk of autoimmune diseases
Can help heal & reverse autoimmune diseases
Lower risk of chronic diseases
Can help heal & reverse chronic diseases
Lower cholesterol (which is what causes the artery buildup)
Increase in antibiotic resistance among pathogens (agricultural animals are pumped with antibiotics to keep them alive & larger in unhealthy & disgusting, cramped conditions which then exposes more bad bacteria & viruses to antibiotics which makes them mutate and become immune to antibiotics which if we ever can’t use antibiotics for when it is absolutely necessary we would be screwed)
Increased muscle mass
Increased muscle retainment
Increased stamina and strength
Increased levels of protein (I know it sound weird, but it’s true; broccoli alone has way more protein than beef)
Less greenhouse gasses harming the earth’s ozone layer
Less water used
Less land utilized
Saving the ocean (½ of the plastic found in the ocean comes from fishing nets)
Less nature destroyed to use for farmland; deforestation
Less disturbance in the earth’s natural cycles and ecosystems
Less money in rich dude’s pockets that run agriculture facilities and food companies
Higher inclination to be healthy & conscious of our bodies
Increased awareness in one’s connection to their body & how they feel when they eat
Increased awareness in cooking and caring about what we eat
Less recycled plants & recycled protein (we eat animals but they eat plants...recycled protein, recycled plants)
Less animals tortured and murdered
A positive change for the earth, all the animals, and us humans
Inclination to become more eco-conscious and sustainable
Help reduce climate change
Help to re-balance the earth’s many ecosystems and naturally-occurring food chains
Live longer
The food is not overly rich to the point of causes serious stomach discomfort
My own experiences
What The Health documentary on Netflix
Game Changers documentary on Netflix
Forks Over Knives documentary on Netflix
rainbow plant life’s vegan ricotta cheese & pumpkin stuffed pasta shells
I hope you loved this article.