A Reminder: Things Get Easier with Time
Maybe…the process of something will get much so better than you think, with time. For example:
Maybe working out will become more enjoyable and easier the more you do it…with time.
Maybe the hunt for a job you’d love will happen faster and faster…with time.
Maybe setting boundaries, putting yourself first more, and managing your time will get easier…with time.
Maybe that weight will come off more easily as you go…with time.
Maybe self-care is challenging now but will become second nature...with time.
Maybe growing that business is hard and feels impossible right now but will steadily increase…with time.
We tend to underestimate how much the process of doing something will change with time.
Our brains tend to believe if something is hard or not enjoyable at first, it will always be that way.
But this could not be further from the truth!
We tend to underestimate how much change is possible.
We tend to underestimate how much easier things can get and how much better we might feel if we keep going.
We tend to underestimate how much we will grow and how capable and consistent we may become with time.
We tend to underestimate how capable, resourceful, whole, intelligent, resilient, creative, and powerful we are when we intentionally set our mind to something.
What would change if you adopted the belief that whatever challenge you are facing right now will one day be gone? If you adopted a belief that whatever journey you are on, it will get easier?