What does a life coach do?

Disclaimer: I can only speak for coaches trained through an ICF (International Coaching Federation) program since we are trained a little differently.

But in short, life coaches help you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

They help guide you to new levels of awareness and solutions, and they help you implement and apply new learning, breakthroughs, and potential solutions into your life every single week.

This is so that you not only start thinking, feeling, behaving, and believing differently but you also start to see tangible results from applying this knowledge in your life. Because knowledge is amazing, yet pointless, if not acted upon.

Life coaches are simply guides who hold a safe space, ask questions, and partner with you through curiosity and reflection to help move you towards your goals.

We help you remove what’s in the way, get clarity, find direction, cultivate motivation through consistent action, and get you what you want - perhaps faster and more supportive feeling than if you were doing it on your own. Life coaching is truly a partnership relationship, we believe the client is the expert in their lives and we are trained to ask the right questions to source the client’s own answers from within themselves.

This is why a coach trained through the International Coaching Federation can help a client with any subject or coaching request - we don’t have to know about the subject matter because we coach the person, not the subject (aka the problem).

Now, not everyone will get the same results working with a life coach, just as they won't get the same results working with a therapist. And that depends on the level of dedication on the client's end.

If clients don't follow through with creating change in between sessions, whether through therapy or coaching, then they will not see the same results as someone who does take action on the new learning.

That is why both industries of therapy and life coaching do not guarantee results. The results lie within the choices of the clients.

Which is empowering! The clients always get to choose how far they want to go, at what pace, and with what action steps.

Coaches also explore accountability with their clients to give them as many tools as they can to ensure success. They check in with clients about how the action plans are going and what might have gotten in the way, and what can be done moving forward.

Coaching is a life-changing experience and one that will invite you to grow so much on a personal level, should you decide to be ready to try!

Whether you’d like to dial in better balance, become a higher version of yourself, reduce overwhelm, or advance your working life, start with a no-obligation consultation call to see if having me as your coach & supportive role might benefit you.

Sydney Sage

Professional Certified Life Coach who helps individuals create better work/life balance, grow personally, and reduce overwhelm.


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