Using Values to End Inner Conflict
In my experience, a lot of inner conflict, regret, and disappointment with ourselves can be traced back to a conflict in values. For example:
If we value health but we aren’t working out, eating healthy, fitting in self-care, getting enough sleep, etc.
If we value stability, security, and peace yet we aren’t budgeting or we’re overspending.
If we value happiness at work but we aren’t working a job we love yet we don’t do anything about it or get support to transition.
If we value balance and peace yet we are overbusying ourselves and putting everyone else first.
When we don’t live in alignment with our values, this is called a “value conflict” and it does not feel good.
It’s like two separate parts of us want two different things, so we might say that we want one thing yet we do another thing.
This is why awareness of our values and commitment to living according to them can end inner conflict and create more harmony within our own minds.
Do you ever notice yourself conflicting with your own values? If so, what helps you get back into alignment? What helps you figure out what you truly want vs just saying you want it?